First house sitting experience in San Bernardino, Cordillera, Paraguay.

This was my first house sit in Paraguay at the time. It was the end of 2019 and it was my first ever stay in Paraguay and even in all of South America.
The job: 6 dogs, 3 cats and 1 house with pool and almost 1000m² garden need a house sitter.
Duration: about 2 months, October – December
Location: Ypacarai See – Sanber, Cordillera, Paraguay
Medical care during dog sitting & cat sitting.
The two smallest dogs were also the oldest in the process and had to get their heart pills 2x a day.
The big Scooby had to get eye drops later on.
Also one of the 3 cats, Mimi, got ear drops.

Unusual incidents during house and dog sitting (Oh no an accident!)
Cleo, the little Doberman mongrel, unfortunately got a piece of glass in her foot while walking in the bushes. She was squealing like hell and of course she was bleeding. Since she could no longer walk properly and was limping badly, I packed her into the car and immediately drove to Melanie Weber, the German veterinarian in SanBer. Of course, I first contacted the dog owners who were away.
(»»» Hier geht’s zum Facebook von Clinica Veterinaria Melanie Weber««««)
I have met the veterinarian before. My clients, the home and pet owners, wisely introduced me to Melanie before. The Whatsapp number and directions I thus had everything before.
Tip for all homeowners who want to hire a house sitter:
DEin HSP Team
In principle, it is always recommended to prepare a document with important contacts for the house sitter, on which he quickly has the numbers ready in case of emergency. In addition to the number of a veterinarian, perhaps neighbors, other friends who may have a spare key, etc.
Being prepared in an emergency situation takes a tremendous amount of pressure off the house sitter and most importantly, can be acted upon more quickly and your pet will have a much better chance in an emergency
When you book a house sitter at, you don’t have to worry too much about all these details, because we have prepared appropriate documents that you as the client / house and pet owner just have to fill out.

It took a few days for Cleo’s wound to heal. But in the end, as always, everything was fine. During the day, when the little one was under „observation“ everything went well anyway. But as soon as she felt unobserved, she always „played“ and nibbled at her bandage.
So that meant always putting on a new bandage in the morning.
Also, for such cases, it can be a great advantage if the clients can perhaps introduce the house sitter to a neighbor or one, two, friends who live nearby.

This is just a first small article about my first house sitting experience in Paraguay. Soon we want to write a small „experience report“ here for each housesit we take over. A few pictures, maybe a little video.
The better new potential clients can imagine how it works when you let a house sitter into your home and then hand over the responsibility for the house and animals to him for a certain time.
The better for new potential clients to imagine what it’s like to let a house sitter into your home and then hand over the responsibility for the house and animals for a certain period of time.
As always, you are welcome to leave a comment or your question. See you soon. Hasta luego! Your HSP Team
As always, you are welcome to leave a comment or your question. See you soon. Hasta luego!
Your HSP Team ????
So sehe ich das auch, Danke für den tollen Bericht.